Saturday, December 10, 2005

I see the awkward girls from my middle school growing into themeselves and becoming more and more beautiful and part of me becomes sad.

this is a story i started a couple months ago:
He preferd the peanut m&m's he was popping in his mouth to the regular kind. wrappers littered the room, I saw every single one when I walked in the door and heard them crinkle under my feet. He made no effort to hide them.
"we're a pair of pretentious fuckers, arent we?" he said, without a hello.
"basically. wow, the truth is harsh. I've become all I've ever hated." I joked.
"I know how that feels."
We were mean, bitter, cynical, bitches. we hated everyone and flauntend it. But eventually the thrill wears out. So, our intire purpose of friendship was wearing out. befor we were intoroduced, we didnt know the other excisted. we both listend to the same music, wore the same clothes, liked the same movies, but were never aware of each others presence.

i have absolutly no idea where i was going with this.

1 comment:

genny said...

i know where