Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I HATE colorado weather

my nail polish color reminds me of 50's hospitals. i miss liking him, but i know i will never like him the same way again. anyways, there might be a new love in my life. Chris Brewster (my god) wants me to burn him Belle & Sebastion. i am honoured! watched trainspotting today, not about people who run after trains at all! just another heroin movie but i liked it. in my "bizarro life" all my school chums talk about each other as soon as they get the chance. i wonder what they say about me? i usually just lie low.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

your bizarro life scares me... i'm just glad that I have one end of you at least. this is what I say about you behind your back: "damn her and her foxiness!!!!"