Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some Are Mine, Some I Agree With.

I like images that are mysterious and cryptic.
I like images that remind me of something that never happened.
I like nostalgic images.
I like dreamy images.
I like raw images, I don’t like images that are too professional or glossy.

I like images that are informed by the maker being visually overwhelmed by and afraid of something.
I don’t like images that are derivative, self-content, or arrogant.
I like images that are scared to show themselves and scared to become images.
I don’t like images that are a means of veiling insecurities; images should embrace insecurities.
I like images that allude to a space I can only understand through memory.
I don’t like when images become illustrative of understandable or didactic ideas.
Images should be confusing to language.
Images should be understandable to memory or sentiment.
I like when images remind me of my humanity in a time where all signs point to an apocalyptic detachment from our bodies, our minds, each other, the landscape, society, etc.

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