Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The end

Pretty soon she had had enough. Lux wanted control of her life again. She decided to throw away the bird. Of coarse it took her a while to work up the courage to do it, but finally she threw it into the trash can, picked up the black garbage bag, and put it infront of her house for garbage day. Then she opened the windows to air out the house and tried to forget about it. It seemed to help at first. The stench was gone, as well as the flies. But about three weeks later, Lux started noticing a rash. It started on her hands. Lots of red bumps started appearing. They started small but once the rash began moving up her arms the bumps grew bigger. She figured she was just having an allergic reaction to the bird, and it would soon go just seemed to get progressively worse. Lux would have gone to the doctor, but she didn't have any insurance, and was worried the doctor might some how find out about the bird and she would have to pay even more bills. Lux kept finding black feathers around the house, something she also figured was left behind from the bird. But soon she found the feathers in her bed. And on her skin. And different bumps on her back that were hard as bone. She could've sworn she had started to shrink. Her clothes barely fit her at all. When she looked in the mirror her eyes were just all black, and as strange as it sounded, she had been growing more feathers. Her heart rate had rapidly increased. She had become some ugly beast, he long blond hair had all fallen out, her pale skin was either covert with feathers or the rash, which had turned an awful purple color. She had strange bones poking out everywhere. She didn't dare leave her apartment, she kept the curtains drawn, to frightened to let anyone see her, to frighted to let anyone help her. She didn't know what to do. She was horrified with what was happening to her, and unable to bare looking in the mirror, she covert them with news papers. Lux couldnt take it anymore. She went to her medicine cabinet hoping to find something to get her away from what she couldn't even tell was really happening or not. But as she opened the cabinet in her bathroom, a powerful pain took over her, coming from her back and mouth. She was lying on the floor screaming as she shrunk smaller and smaller, and wings ripped open from her back, long sleek wings that were so black they looked blue and purple under the bathroom light. Her mouth had morphed into a sweeping beak, and when she tried to cry out in pain all that came out was an ugly, raspy caw. Soon the pain subsided. The bathroom window was open. Lux flapped her wings for the first time, and flew out the window.

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