Thursday, July 26, 2007

why not

I've entered a contest to create a :30 clip around the dangers of bad credit. A winner will be chosen, based on votes received by 31 July. The winner needs at least 100 votes. The prize is $10,000. To add to the suspense, a pal of mine who's close to the process says than none of the other clips have anywhere near the 100 vote minimum.
With your help, I think I've got a decent shot at actually winning the prize.
So, I'd be grateful if you could log on, check it out and vote for my clip.
If I win, I promise to host you all to at magnficent party where the champagne will flow, beasts will be roasted and vegetarians accomodated with gourmet delicacies.
Here's the URL
My clip is called "Cube Farm" and is a typcially lighthearted piece based on still photography (it's not the one with the rapper).
The site is sponsored by Visa.
My contacts tell me that the information they ask for is just to assure the vote is honest, and you won't be spammed.

Monday, July 09, 2007

'To lose a passport was the least
of one's worries. To lose a
notebook was a catastrophe.'
Bruce Chatwin
'I never travel without my notebook.
One should always have something
sensational to read in the train.'
Oscar Wilde